Cupar Arts 2025
Now in 2025, we are excited to announce a new series of events titled Meet the Neighbours!
Meet the Neighbours event #1 – Carolyn Scott in conversation with Catherine Spencer
Thursday 20 February, 6-8 pm, Castlehill Community Centre
This event is free, everybody is welcome and refreshments will be served.
On Thursday 20 February, the Travelling Gallery will be visiting Cupar with the exhibition Between Women: Franki Raffles, Sylvia Grace Borda, Sandra George, Carolyn Scott and Niu Weiyu.
Join us for Meet the Neighbours #1 with Cupar-based artist Carolyn Scott in conversation with one of the exhibition’s curators, Catherine Spencer. This will be a chance to hear about Carolyn’s work, her Rye Hill Social Documentary Photography Collection images, selections from which will be displayed at the Travelling Gallery, and her wider career. There will also be a chance to talk with Catherine about the exhibition.
Annual General Meeting 2025
Our Annual General Meeting will be held on 1st March, YMCA – Sports Hall, Cupar at 2pm
This event is your chance to get involved, share your ideas, and help shape the future of Cupar Arts. Whether you’re a long-time supporter or new to the scene, we welcome all art enthusiasts to come together and make a difference. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and be a part of something special. To register your interest in our AGM you can visit our Eventbrite or just turn up on the day, we would love to meet you!
If you are interested in joining the team this year please come along to this meeting or get in touch team@cupararts.org.uk
We are looking for a new Treasurer this year, so if you have some treasurer experience or would like to get some, please get in touch. Training and handover from the current treasurer will be given.